Choate Rosemary Hall
  Class of 1973

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We know it's been decades since you've seen some of these people but wouldn't you like to know how they are, what they're doing, and where they live?  In many cases it has been decades since you've seen them but hopefully this Spring you'll be back at school to see them again.  Click on any of the names below for more information.  See someone you know who hasn't updated their profile ?  Send them an email and urge them to visit this site and our Facebook page to update our information....and urge them to come to Alumni Weekend this year !

Note: Women are listed by their maiden name in this list to make it easier to find them.  Their full names (based on information from the alumni database) appear on their individual pages. 
Classmates who have sent in a profile update or for whom we have a current photo are listed in bold red.  Classmates who have passed away are listed in bold green.

Alexander, Tim Fryling, Dick Oliver, Ward
Allard, Julia Friedman, Barbara Olum, Wendy
Allison, Jeff Gage, Carl Oppenheim, David
Anderson, Gordon Geddes, Rob O'Reilly, Martha
Anthony, Liz Glanville, John Orzac, Betsy
Armour, Kelly Good, Louis Otis, Nate
Armstrong, C.D. Goodell, Jon Oxaal, Ford
Atwood, Bruce Goodrich, Laura Paris, Michael
Avery, Paul Goodwin, Dick Parnass, Larry
Backes, Chris Gottlieb, William Parziale, P.J.
Barkhausen, John Gravatt, Bob Perkins, Alice
Barrett, Tony Grayson, David Perry, Dick
Barton, Ed Greenspan, Andy Peters, Ken
Basset, Katherine Grief, Nick Phelan, Bob
Beane, Agnes Greten, Debbie Philips, Kevin
Beck, Bob Grinold, Cary Phipps, Jay
Beecher, Jeff Grodd, Patti Piccirillo, Mark
Bellamy, Peter Hancock, Lewis Plummer, Penn
Beloff, Jim Hayden, Skip Polite, David
Bertles, Jim Haynes, Rob Poropatich, Jim
Betts, Louise Heard, Kini Porter, Liz
Bissel, Caroline Heffron, Parker Radkins, John
Blackwell, Alan Hendrickson, Merrily Rea, Robin
Blatman, Bettye Ann Henkel, Gerri Read, Steve
Bolling, Virginia Henkel, Jane Reader, Peter
Booth, Gregg Hero, Basil Ream, Claudia
Booth, Dewey Henry, Chris Reilly, Peter
Boyd, Linda Herrick, Hal Renner, Mike
Braden, Edward Hewit, Stacie Revere, Ellen
Bradley, Tim Hinton, Marianne Reynolds, Doug
Brennan, John Hirsch, Susie Richey, Liz
Brod, Tracy Hoggard, Jeff Rittenhouse, Sue
Bronfman, Jeff Hodge, Linda Ross, Stanley
Brook, Elliot Hoglund, Tom Rothschild, Suzanne
Brown, Bev Holmboe, Mark Ruffinen, B. Zen
Brown, Peter Honick, Jonas Rutledge, Bart
Brown, Susan Hotchkiss, Jay Ryan, Lucy
Bruno, Mike Hunt, Finley Saffo, Liz
Bryan, John Irwin, Elizabeth Sarbacher, Robin
Bryant, George Jones, Mark Sargent, Liz
Burnett, Bruce Kelman, Jon Sarosdy, Mark
Byram, Ken Kirby, John Schierman, Russell
Byrne, M.J. Kirkpatrick, Bill Schwefel, Charlie
Campbell, Jamie Kirn, Roberta Shenk, Buddy
Caraboolad, Richard Knight, Nick Sholtz, Michael
Cassell, Bill Koenig, Peter Shushan, Nancy
Cohen, Andrew Kohrs, Bill Small, Jim
Cohn, John Kountze, Charles Smith, Patti
Cole, Ismailia Kunhardt, Brad Smith, Raymond
Conhaim, Rowena Larsen, Leif Smith, Wilson
Coogan, Alan Lawrence, Jeff Solomon, Kenneth
Cooper, Bruce Lively, Jennifer Stalcup, Lawrence
Corkery, Maurice Lord, Tom Staub, Brad
Cotter, Jim Macbeth, Bruce Steppacher, Chip
Coyle, Jackie MacDonald, Angus Storch, Wendy
Cushman, Wendy MacDonald, Malcolm Stout, Bill
D'Agostino, Andrea Macey, Jon Strohm, Edward
Danielewski, Chris Maddox, Lisa Strong, Ginny
Davis, Steven Maggard, John Oliver Sweeny, Tom
De Frise, Laura Markley, Lynn Swietzer, Sue
De Maio, Vincent Matia, Tom Tabas, Robert
Demere, Sims McCamic, Jay Taliaferro, Barclay
Deroy, Joe McCurdy, Charles Tarrant, Becky
Dickey, Jane MacDonald, Bob Taylor, Rick
Dickinson, Mark MacDonough, Dan Teichner, Alice
Donnelly, Eric McDowell, Meg Thomas, Ann
Dorn, Forest McGeorge, Judy Thompson, David
Dowling, Susan McIntyre, Archie Timberman, David
Duble, Sarah McCleod, Laurie Turner, Geoff
Duffy, Dick McMahon, Roger Van Brunt, Fred
Dupont, Lex Metz, Phil Wallace, Carol
Dupre, Richard Milbank, Liz Wangeman, Marie
Eadie, Mary Miller, Tara Ward, Mike
Elmblad, Brad Mitchel, Kirk Westerfield, Brad
Ferranti, Marc Moore, Edith Wherli, Joanie
Fezza, Missy Moran, Bruce Whipple_George
Fisk, Brian Morss, Christopher White, David
Field, Alison Muir, Henry Williams, Chele
Flanagan, Pat Nepolitono, Mike Williams, Relisse
Flanagan, Mike Newman, Suzanne Wingerd, Peter
Flanagan, Sarah Nichols, Mindy Winkler, Scott
Fleming, David Niemiera, Mark Wojcik, Wally
Forrester, Chip Norton, Ellen Wunder, Bill
Foster, Nancy Oakes, Jim Yudain, David
    Zeigler, Tom



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